It seems I was the Qtard all along.
It hit me today. Trump and the military fucking have this.
Edit: I wouldn't say it was one thing that changed my mind but lots of little things and at one point it just seemed more impossible that it wasn't true.
Appear weak when you are strong, right? Based on the panic in DC, I'd say we're currently at our strongest.
Given the amount of troops there id say you’re right
This is what I don't get about the doomers. How can they think we're losing when there's Trump rallies happening in freaking Japan and all over the world? The election steal was desperation as is this impeachment business. We have these people up against the wall like Feinstein did to Murkowski lmao
im convinced half of them are a organized demoralization campaign and the other half are just the weak former liberals that still don't understand how to handle adversity.
I wouldn't even give them half, I've seen doomers in gaming forums for years, the smaller the playerbase, the noiser the forums, when you notice there are more people complaining about low player counts then actually playing the game, you realize that doomers aren't real. People that give up on something don't keep visiting forums to rant, they move on.
People cycle between copium and hopium. The last 5 years have been a wild rollercoaster of ups and downs. I’d cut some people some slack. If there’s no deus ex machina, you’ll need the realist doomers who have been planning for the next steps.
ironically, it's the OG anons who were the doomers for decades before Q bc we've known about this corruption for YEARS. now all us jaded cynics of years past are the ones spreading the hopium lol
Guilty as charged. Since Bush V1. All in... zero doomer factor... have been running on the hopium since the loud mouth golfer shook the cookie jar arse about and turned their world upside down 4 years ago. Before that, I thought we were already gone, but I never gave into despair, just resilience and determination to NEVER be one of them.
Trump Wins. It's What He Does.
Funny thing is when doomer refugees turn up wanting the fries and coke version served up to them on demand... zero hard yards done, zero effort put in. Explains a lot about their situation being the blow-ins looking for a life preserver to cling to, while we're all "LET'S FUCKING GO!!!!!"
Humble suggestion to the blow-ins: sit in the corner, shut your pie holes and watch the adults handle this. You're out of your league, Donny's.
I really hope you're right. I can't say I believe it but I'd give my left nut for you to be right.
Not irrelevant at all, shows how this movement has grown BIGLY the cabal only got to where they are now because of hiding in the shadows now hundreds of millions if not billions of lights are being pointed their way.