Scenario 1: most likely they are gonna be economically crippled and they will go full NORTH KOREA on their people. We've seen this many times before in China's history of opening up and closing to the world. Also insane oppression will preserve the aristocratic CCP
Scenario 2: Nuclear War, however we can annihilate them world's over , we have many more nukes and our missiles have been known to be reliable. I don't have as much faith in Chinese missiles. Also there will be nothing left for the CCP. So I rule out this scenario for that reason. That being said missile defense over the next two decades could in theory change that. We will see.
Scenario 3: New biological attack. Because the precedent has been set. I find this to be the second most likely scenario after scenario 1. The problem is it would let the cat out of the bag since most the world suspects china being responsible for covid19 anyway. They could in theory go through a proxy nation but I digress. Its risky for them. Plus we could just go nuclear on them as a response.
Scenario 4: Revolution. I think this is about as likely as Nuclear War but we will see.
As a person who had covid19 I'm inclined to disagree with you. I lost my sense of taste and smell and was knocked on my back for 2 was like a flu mixed with mono. And it took almost a month for my smell to come back (it was neurologically gone...not because I was stuffy) so either the China virus is real..or I just so happened to have gotten the worst flu (without a fever) in my life (I'm in my 20s) that just so happened to coincide with a pandemic. I want to sue the CCP for damages...but watching their regime collapse is penance enough.
The virus is real, it's just that the lethality of it is extremely over-hyped and while some doctors are calling bullshit they're under pressure from hospital administrators who are woke enough to just fire them and ruin their reputation.
When I say loss of smell you know I mean zero stuffy neurological loss of smell right? Definite first in my life for a flu. Also I had neurological problems from it..also a first...also didn't sleep (2 all nighters and one sleep day for 2 weeks). My wife also in her 20s also had moderate pneumonia in her lungs. It was wild...I was a covid denier till I got my perspective is that when one denies covid they deny China attacked us. It was an attack...the china plague...and they must pay.
Insane my dude. Insane