Mainly for new tards.
Socratic method.
Great to use with friends, too.
For instance: instead of speculating about the DC mobilization of military, ask yourself (or friend you want to awaken), questions about it:
who has the authority to mobilize the national guard? (Answer can be found on national guard website)
who is in command? (Answer to #1 will inform answer to this question,)
based on answer to 1 and 2, and taking into consideration repeated recent video comments made by said person, what possible reason(s) would warrant stationing 20k troops in DC?
The more you use this method, the easier it is.
About 1. Their public press statement says they are going to assist local law enforcement. Search abc4 news national guard. Read the article. Could be compartmentalism, maybe not. Just being objective, that’s their words, not opinion from internet gaytards.