posted ago by Outsidein406 ago by Outsidein406 +190 / -0

I'm especially targeting this post toward all those people that have been blasting crap from that fake "Patrick Byrne" account on Telegram. Using that account as an example, let's point out some issues with this using logic:

1 - Why would someone who went out of their way to disavow Q suddenly create an account on a new platform (an unverified account at that) and one of the first posts is talking about how Q is real?

2 - Even if this was the real Patrick Byrne, so what? How are they suddenly in this super-secret inner sanctum? Even if they were, why would they broadcast comms about super-secret meetings in a public space?

3 - Why are they posting unverified garbage that's been debunked for ages about "OoOh this BelL was On JFK's ShiiIp" -- seen too many of those posts on here tonight.

4 - Why would they share a post from an imposter Lin Wood account? (see shared video on that page from 1/12 @ 12:09pm Eastern). Lin's only accounts on Telegram are @LLinWood and @LinWoodSpeaksTruth. So by sharing that either this "Patrick" account is a) extremely gullible or b) a bad actor. No positive outcomes there.

But apart from that:

Look, we're at a stage where disinfo is at the highest it's ever been on the Internet. The mass banning from social media of conservative voices only made that worse. Everyone's fleeing to these new communication apps that allow people to create unverified accounts and spread garbage like wildfire.

On top of that, there are a massive amount of both handshake accounts and newbie accounts on this board that are either spreading disinfo themselves or--frankly--too late to the game to catch up at this point. People are frantically grasping for whatever straws they can find and getting all wrapped up in nonsense.

Look. What's been the purpose of Q all along? To give us info about what's going on behind the scenes and give us a tiny glimpse behind the curtain on some things going on. But we're at a point where there cannot be any glimpses afforded behind the curtain. Do you really think that when this operation that has been said to be in the works for decades is just about to reach its peak, there would be info about the exact movements that are happening in real time? Not a chance.

Has there ever been a time that Q has said "hey I need you all to meet at this time and do X, Y, Z?" Nope. The only reason info has been shared is to provide us with spoilers for the movie. That way we can fill people in who haven't seen the movie once it's over.

And that's what it is right now: a movie. So if you're getting all wrapped up in following accounts and pages and wondering which is real and what might be going on...well, don't. There is zero you can do right now to change or affect anything. Got a little food and water stocked up for a bit in case SHTF? Cool. That's all you can do. Enjoy the movie. If it's getting to you, take a walk outside. Go to the gym. Hike a mountain or something, I don't know.

And remember one of the most important things Q has dropped:

Think logically. No outside comms.