Q has mentioned a necessary scare event to wake people up and grab everyone’s attention. Now this board is on point with a lot of decodes but I still think we are thinking to small. Let’s Think Bigger.
This is a worldwide event. Yes it will involve a ton of US deep state. But this will be happening across the world. Trump signing the insurrection act would take control of the US. But what kind of event would instantly take the world’s attention at once? I have a feeling this is where China might come into play. In the RED1-6 post it’s clear that the US will go into DEFCON1, but then it says [Non Nuclear]. Now I’m on the side that Xi, Putin, basically the entire world leadership is either playing along, forced along, or X. Would a declas of chinas election interference put us in a Staged war, martial law is enacted around the world in panic. Arrests go off, trump declassifies e v e r y t h i n g and by March trump is in.
Election fraud is our center stage event and we basically have 7 days or less till SHIF. Full declas of fraud, images, video proof etc all hosted on the perfectly timed side release of Project Odin: Starlink satellites outside of deep state control, still looking for more info on this, internet 2.0?. Panic -> Martial law and EBS using Giant voice due to riots, hence the 12 NG cities Q mentions in if first posts. 10th mountain cleans house in disguise, then we all hold hands and laugh about the whole thing.
I’ve been here from the start, I fully trust that whatever the plan is, it’s going to happen. Though lately it almost seems too.. predictable? I feel like the censorship is bad, everyone is exposing themselves, dominos lining up for a win, it’s great but not really “scary” to the average person. Yes declas will be shocking but I feel like there will be a ball out of left field coming that really scares us and takes us all by surprise. I can’t imagine the riots will be the trigger for the whole storm, we’ve all been to desensitized to them at this point, was the storming of the capital really that “terrorizing” for you? The riots in the summer were more played up than that. I think the Storm isn’t going to be some joke, I think everything will instantly become very serious, the trolls will even stop laughing. I think everyone worldwide will be just all sitting around glued to the the information we are receiving. But for that to happen we need the attention grabber. I don’t think the next week will be a joke, I do expect historic things. But I would bet we had our eye on the wrong ball. I think we highly underestimate how grand this show will really be. Do you have your popcorn ready?
Very good point anon