But had the app still up following planes and saw 5 big planes leaving a smaller AFB in Oklahoma heading west. Just caught my attention that so many planes that size flying together. Not like it's a squadron of B52s or anything either. Anyway, thought I'd mention it, see what others thought. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae5bc8
Edit: Looks like there are all tankers KC-135/KC-46. Maybe they are just practicing, but if not, that's a lot of tankers heading somewhere.
I'm glad you guys use that app and I'm trying to figure it out on a phone but havent found a legend for the buttons... perhaps it's not great on a fone. I sit on my deck IDing the traffic in and out of my county airport 5mi LOS from me with Flightradar 24. Its 1 version newer than "Oh look at da airpwane!" My dog looked up the other day at one then looked back at me with an expression that said Cessna 560XL on final runway 34, dumbass. I dont think it even displays military ac except for the occasional Coast Guard Dolphin or H-60, or some helo operating from the nearby Sikorsky site. No mil. fixed wing tracks that I recall seeing. Anyway, thanks to you guys I'm now intently focused on McDill AFB, closest site of high interest to me (SOCCOM), and all I can say is theres a lot to watch.