Friedman, who devoted his life to researching and investigating unidentified flying objects, was
credited with bringing the 1947 Roswell incident to the mainstream – according to Time Magazine,
Friedman “painstakingly sought out and interviewed other witnesses, and came to a dramatic
conclusion: there had been a cover-up of ‘Cosmic Watergate’ proportions.”
The Roswell incident was the first case where the U.S. military and the federal
government was thought to have covered up a UFO crash.
Friedman, who devoted his life to researching and investigating unidentified flying objects, was credited with bringing the 1947 Roswell incident to the mainstream – according to Time Magazine, Friedman “painstakingly sought out and interviewed other witnesses, and came to a dramatic conclusion: there had been a cover-up of ‘Cosmic Watergate’ proportions.”
The Roswell incident was the first case where the U.S. military and the federal government was thought to have covered up a UFO crash.