Ten days of darkness. Trump is going to turn off the country and turn it back on like rebooting a computer to shut down processes that cause it to lag and malfunction. Normies will understand that concept.
I think Pence already inaugurated Trump in a private ceremony as President of this new rebooted country, making him the last President of The United States OF America. He will get 2 Terms as President of our new country and be officially inaugurated on March 4th, 2021. I think it will be called The United States FOR America.
We're going back to the United States before it became a corporation. 1871 I believe. This would now make Trump the 19th President.
The Boston Tea Party was a protest against taxation without representation. Currently, when we are born we are given a social security number to pay taxes and our foot is stamped on our birth certificate like cattle. We had no say in whether or not we pay taxes.
We are wage slaves to the government. Without our consent. Taxation without representation. I believe Trump will end the IRS. No more taxes. He's already in control of the Treasury. End the Fed. No more Federal Reserve Promissory notes. Real gold/silver backed money. That means a new currency.
I think he will seize assets of everyone involved in human trafficking via the 12/21/17 executive order. This would include countries and politicians pushing illegal immigration. China has Uyghur Muslim slaves. This would end all money going to China and seizing Chinese assets and land here in the US. I think he's going to wipe out all of America's debt.
He's going to free us. It was made clear to us that our politicians don't give a shit about us and are more concerned with sending money to other countries for bullshit so they can get kickbacks from those programs. That was the primary purpose of the last Covid relief bill; to wake people up. The public needed to see that in order to know how it works and where our money is going and how it's been that way for a long time. I think Trump is going to wipe the slate clean. Completely.
If Biden is not confirmed, then the US is in default of the constitution. We no longer have a country that is a functioning republic.
Here is where I am spitballing:
In fact, I don't think Biden is even a real candidate. I think he's an actor who's going to rip off his Mission Impossible mask like a Scooby Doo villain. I think the real Biden is in custody. The fence around the capital is to capture Antifa and BLM who will lose their shit.
I think a lot of what we are seeing is scripted and fake. People we think are alive are really dead. People we think are dead are really alive. Maybe Joan Rivers, MJ, Di, etc. Black hats are actually white hats and white hats might be black hats.
I think a lot of people may not even be real people at all.
In fact, if we learn that Obama was a completely ficticious identity, like his daughters and wife, that would likely undo every executive order he ever issued.
What if Jon Benet Ramsey was early deep fake technology being tested on the public? Who else might be a completely deep fake person? Jon Benet Ramsey is an anagram for "Baser Enjoyment".
Isaac Kappy is an anagram for "Sik Papacy".
I think this has all been done and is now going to be revealed and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. It's only a matter of time. The swamp is circling the drain.
Good point, I forgot to mention the ALL CAPS.