Can anyone clarify the times? did Q post it first and then Trump said it? Also there was another where. Also what are your thoughts on this shitheads opinion as far as the different time zones go as to the +++ proof.
I believe it was requested by an anon, not Q, and then later Trump put a huge emphasis on Tippy Top during the speech. It was probably one of the biggest reveals that Trump was connected with Q that I can remember.
It's what sealed it for me. I have been on 4Chan a lot longer than Q and the tippy top is what had me sold when that happened. With the White Rabbit and everything? I was like, 'that's Trump.'
That was a really good one, and the "look at that baby" moment (when the baby had a Q shirt on at a rally). It was so unnatural, like the tippy top, that I knew Q was real. He used to draw air Q's as well, then we had 17 claps, then Q in morse code. And that's just a few examples. It's just too much to not see a connection!
The Christmas Q video is the one that gets me the most. The baby could be a coincidence. The tippy-top speech could be a crazy coincidence. But the Christmas video couldn't have been. Somebody set that up. And Q knew about it before anyone else.