I'm thinking a US Flag + a banner saying:
God says 'Don't f&ck with the children!' - Matt. 18:6.
US Military saves abducted children held as sex slaves
Traitors brought to JUSTICE
And having a sign with Ecclesiastes 3:4:
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
As you can tell, I am a Christian--I'm not saying a celebration without God/Christian view is inappropriate. We're all free to celebrate in accordance with the beliefs and views that we hold and I respect that!
Please SHARE your plans! (in accordance to the rules of greatawakening.win)
Well , of my 4 children , three are on the “crazy train” with me . I’ve been on that train since the first drop . They dismissed what I told them for the longest time even though they were Maga . Just recently ( since the election was stolen) they realized that this is their only hope and have opened their minds and eyes. My leftist daughter lashed out at me right before Thanksgiving and said that she didn’t even know her father and me anymore and that we were not the same people who raised her. Really hurt. I decided a long time ago that all I can do is just give it over to God and pray that he will open her eyes. As of now she won’t be attending the celebration. More food for us!!!
Sorry to hear about your daughter. I can imagine it being painful to have such division occur in your relationship. At the same time, having pains and hurts, doesn't mean that you can't celebrate with joy when celebration warrants it!
Feels good when people join you on the crazy train doesn't it? :D