I’m totally new to this. Have started exploring wearethenews, but I’m a little lost. What’s the fate of our country? Who’s going down? What’s supposed to happen next week? Anything else I should know?
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Hey man, if you are a recovering lib, there will be a lot of shocks to your belief systems. Personally for me, everything that defined me as who I am kinda fell apart. This is a really hard thing to accept, and I had to go through a process of grieving. But more importantly, when you realise that the people you believed are good and wonderful people are absolute monsters who torture and kill babies and children, and systematically traffick them - it can create a very strong congitive dissonance.
Learning to become humble is an important thing. Keeping open mind about everything and evaluating things for yourself is the start of this journey. Turning off main stream completely is a very good idea.
Welcome to this journey
This is actually an honest and really good reply. I was never super liberal, always leaned conservative, but realizing I had been lied to about 9/11 was a bit traumatic at the time, and discovering other more disturbing things was emotional.
9/11 was my redpill
Same here