posted ago by For-The-Win ago by For-The-Win +75 / -2

Ho-Re Shit!

This whole thing is about exposing corruption right? What about the vaccine?? I think that Trump knew the vaccine would be toxic/unsafe & couldn't allow for it to be distributed. So what if it was swapped out for a "saline shot"? Hence the "burning" sensation people have reported. This would leave America still unvaccinated.


-We know that Pence is going to 10th mountain on Sunday -We know that Pence is going to Naval Air Station Lemoore on Saturday -CPSD stands for Contingency Planning and Support Division (US FEMA) -A "QVIR kit" is an antiviral drug used to treat HIV & AIDS.....what if this drug is the answer to Covid-19?


Now Take RED4 without the bolded bracketed parts

"Movement of MIL assets to central locations under the guise of citizen riot control"

So, Trump has always said that he would be using the military to distribute the vaccine. To date, I don't believe the military has actually done anything in terms of deployment.

What if this drug was the "assets" & the "movement" isn't talking about military assets moving, but rather using the military to move this specific "asset"?

This would be done "under the guise of citizen riot control"! We all think the military is to be used as "peacekeepers" for Law & Order, not as a vaccine rollout!