Oh man, stuff is starting to happen... no way 80 million Americans will take this lying down. And we are in a current State of Emergency... national guard deployed... let’s goooooo Mr. President. Let’s hear people deny what went down now.
But they stopped taking everything DJT ,Q, Anon down. I think they a thinking about surrender on the censorship bullshit. They know now DJT will be back.
If you haven't already, listen to X22 tonight episode 2378, he does a really good job explaining what is happening. I've been neck deep into this for 3 years and he keeps coming up with what I have, hope we both are right.
He's wrong about the media being ashamed when they find out.
Quislings are not capable of shame
Oh man, stuff is starting to happen... no way 80 million Americans will take this lying down. And we are in a current State of Emergency... national guard deployed... let’s goooooo Mr. President. Let’s hear people deny what went down now.
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But they stopped taking everything DJT ,Q, Anon down. I think they a thinking about surrender on the censorship bullshit. They know now DJT will be back.
We already knew all this, documents would just confirm. Declas appetizer
Does anyone else think Trump is declassifying to take the heat off of himself when he leaves office? I'm just playing devil's advocate here.
If he can show that the Obama administration indeed spied on him, he might still leave office, but DS would not mess with him because of the optics.
If you haven't already, listen to X22 tonight episode 2378, he does a really good job explaining what is happening. I've been neck deep into this for 3 years and he keeps coming up with what I have, hope we both are right.
Wait until you see what comes from this, it is great news.
Hope that is why so many US Marshalls and Guard are in place.
Thanks for the correction, I guess all of the Capitol Police are Marshalls too, never knew that.