Heard this years ago. Never really caught on. Only a couple guys I’ve seen recently on YT that discuss Q everyday mention this aspect a lot when talking. Then there was the very early video of Trump in short interview said, said you know what this represents? All the leaders from the greatest military in the world.....the calm before the storm quote. Made me think it’s at least plausible.
So despite what we think of Jones or Corsi, it would make sense, and a broken clock is right twice a day.
Like it or not, over the top and bat shit crazy. Truth is, much of what Q dropped I knew back in 2002 through 2009. I feel like most Q folks are new to all this old info and playing catch-up. It was because of Jones. He’s sold out now. No where near like he was. But like anything and everyone, motives, ambitions, discern for yourself....pick out the truth nuggets.
Yes, he is in it for himself and tried to take over Q with Alex Jones.
Is that Corsi?
Yeah, I'm a long time TD lurker from way back on Reddit, just started to get into Q and this forum in the last week or so. So much to catch up on!
Ah! Yeah I’ll look into that. Thanks!!
Heard this years ago. Never really caught on. Only a couple guys I’ve seen recently on YT that discuss Q everyday mention this aspect a lot when talking. Then there was the very early video of Trump in short interview said, said you know what this represents? All the leaders from the greatest military in the world.....the calm before the storm quote. Made me think it’s at least plausible. So despite what we think of Jones or Corsi, it would make sense, and a broken clock is right twice a day. Like it or not, over the top and bat shit crazy. Truth is, much of what Q dropped I knew back in 2002 through 2009. I feel like most Q folks are new to all this old info and playing catch-up. It was because of Jones. He’s sold out now. No where near like he was. But like anything and everyone, motives, ambitions, discern for yourself....pick out the truth nuggets.
Jerome Corsi.
Jerome Corsi
Ah, figured it out. I hope what he is saying is true.
Thanks!! Man I wish I would have gotten to read these in real time. Must have been crazy.