Hey I still don't know how to create a new post. Anyway wanted to let you know the Real Patrick Bryan is the real account on telegram. That's why the other sounded like an anon. Anyway again he has some interesting news. He is in DC at Trump hotel. He seems to have some insight into things going on with Trump.
Hi there, if you’re on mobile it might look like this. https://ibb.co/m9JNWmx Although I know sometimes the layout is different so it might look a bit different for you. Hopefully that helps.
Hey I still don't know how to create a new post. Anyway wanted to let you know the Real Patrick Bryan is the real account on telegram. That's why the other sounded like an anon. Anyway again he has some interesting news. He is in DC at Trump hotel. He seems to have some insight into things going on with Trump.
Do you have a link ? I don’t have a telegram account, I’m not too savvy with social media ?
Hi there, if you’re on mobile it might look like this. https://ibb.co/m9JNWmx Although I know sometimes the layout is different so it might look a bit different for you. Hopefully that helps.
Thanks but I know where it is. However, after I type what I want to and then go to save it, it says type in url and then I can't save it.
You just need to click on the part where it says ‘Link Post’ and it’ll come up with the option to write a ‘Text Post’ instead.