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Welcome to the first installment of the Daily Discussion Thread.
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Have a great Friday!
Not only is he wealthy, he fits more in the ‘nearly dead’ demographic - why would he need his pension? (That doesn’t stop the globalists from wanting more, though their purpose is control).
Brainwashing, as the other commenter said. I’ve had to push back against everyone in my family, and against my friends. One of my brothers is all-in now, often sending me news before I can get to it, like Pompeo’s red wine tweet. Another is a huge Trump supporter but more of the TDW type (I think he likes to rage - but he is starting to come around).
I started red-pilling my immediate family when I was doing it to myself, crawling through dark rabbit holes. They’re fairly awake I think, to what goes on, but also don’t enjoy thinking about the painful parts of reality (ignorance is bliss, like other commenter). Ignorance frees you from responsibility, it’s not a good thing.
In line with Solzhenitsyn, Jung and JBP: when we confront the shadow of humanity, in a way, we confront our own shadow. We realize what terrible things we are capable of. We have to stare the dragon in the face and not flinch. Then pretty much all of us realize we are better than that and want our character to be as far from it as possible. We start to look at those things we can change that will make the world better. Even if they only make small ripples, they have an effect.
That’s a hard thing to do. Easier to pretend we’re all good people and there’s little or no suffering.