After reviewing the suggestions we've received from the community on how we can improve the forum, especially given the influx of new users, the Moderation Team will be creating a daily post for general discussion.
Welcome to the first installment of the Daily Discussion Thread.
Please utilize this stickied post for all general discussion. If you see posts on the front page or on New which are better suited for this thread, please help us out by and use the Report function, or point your fellow Patriots in the right direction with a comment. We thank you all for your continued feedback and support. WWG1WGA!
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Have a great Friday!
Fair enough. It came off that way, but I guess that happens on the internet when you're just reading words.
Roger that. That's why they want us wearing masks. No verbal communication = 80% of the message. Can't be conveyed with text.
While we're on the topic of redpilling, any ideas on what you do with people that buy the mainstream narrative hook, line, and sinker? I'm new to Q, but still see through the lies that the media and government feed us better than most. I've tried to get through to people like my parents, but they won't listen. They think the vaccine is safe and hydroxy is unsafe, Biden won fair and square and isn't compromised, etc. No logic or facts can get through.
I've struggled with this big time. I have members of my core family unit that consume MSNBC and CNN like its the sweet nectar of life. All I have come up with is to listen carefully to their supplied talking points. DO NOT ESCALATE. De-Escalation is key. They are "trained" to react with vitriol and claims of racism. When this is triggered, you will not get ANY message through. Make sure you are aware of the DAILY supplied talking points that the MSM is feeding them. Be prepared to "concede" to their "point". Allow a little time to pass so that the knee-jerk anger passes. Then drop a small piece of information. Do this DAILY. It is a cumulative process. Think about how LONG they have been programmed. It took years.
Gotcha. They aren't raging liberals, but they get their news from WSJ, WashPo, and NYT. Mom has clinical TDS. I've dropped different redpills when I'm at their place visiting, but it doesn't seem to register. Either they fall back on the mainstream narrative or they don't respond.