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Welcome to the first installment of the Daily Discussion Thread.
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Have a great Friday!
Yeah, my brother and I talked about "Big Mike" a bit over Christmas in front of them lol. Hoping I can kick the door down sometime soon.
This goes along with what I am saying, Q 521
The people in our lives (and throughout our society) whose perception has been programmed by the MSM are going to be confused, angry, and lost. Let's be ready to provide information, support, comfort, love, understanding, joy, and humer. THEY'RE GOING TO NEED IT!
What I really need is to connect all the dots here. I know about Pizzagate, Podesta, Clintons, Epstein, the Satan worship and pedophile blackmail, and other shit I've picked up on the internet over the years, but I need to piece everything together and find the pieces that I've missed.
Yeah, it's gonna be something. They're on the first level, I'm on the second (climbing to third as fast as possible), we're all gonna have to help people lower down up.
I've sorta switched to "agreeing" with them. Because I know NCSWC, this is an example: "Man, they really must be expecting a TON of militant, murderous white supremacists to storm the capitol again. I'm proud of our military's efforts to protect our new President." It really doesn't get a response, but I can tell that that is being filed in the back of their head...."are there really that many insurrectionists planning on violent coup?"
Lol yup