I keep going over there wanting to help, but after I type out a decent reply, I just close out the tab and leave. I think what they need is for the mods to start deporting people for not supporting Trump at the very least.
If someone creates a post that boils down to “”Q-tards” are destroying MAGA!” or “We can’t win this guise. MAGA will fight on though!”, all that means is that they don’t support Trump. If he were to leave office and hand it all over to Biden, then Trump would be traitor #1 forever for surrendering our country to the enemy, regardless of how hard he tried up to that point. That sounds like the opposite of “High energy Trump rally” to me.
They just can’t accept the fact that “Trust the plan” is pretty much EXACTLY the same as “Trust Trump(and by extension, his plan)”. Oh well, TD.W helped red-pill me pretty good after the election and GA.W helped me see even deeper down the rabbit hole that TD.W refuses to even consider. Different levels of accepting horrible truths I guess.
They know they were robbed of their votes, but think they can still play the game if they act tough enough. We know we were robbed of our country and aim to take back our god-given rights. NCSWIC isn’t bullshit. We’re awake now and can’t go back to sleep.
I keep going over there wanting to help, but after I type out a decent reply, I just close out the tab and leave. I think what they need is for the mods to start deporting people for not supporting Trump at the very least.
If someone creates a post that boils down to “”Q-tards” are destroying MAGA!” or “We can’t win this guise. MAGA will fight on though!”, all that means is that they don’t support Trump. If he were to leave office and hand it all over to Biden, then Trump would be traitor #1 forever for surrendering our country to the enemy, regardless of how hard he tried up to that point. That sounds like the opposite of “High energy Trump rally” to me.
They just can’t accept the fact that “Trust the plan” is pretty much EXACTLY the same as “Trust Trump(and by extension, his plan)”. Oh well, TD.W helped red-pill me pretty good after the election and GA.W helped me see even deeper down the rabbit hole that TD.W refuses to even consider. Different levels of accepting horrible truths I guess.
They know they were robbed of their votes, but think they can still play the game if they act tough enough. We know we were robbed of our country and aim to take back our god-given rights. NCSWIC isn’t bullshit. We’re awake now and can’t go back to sleep.