when is it exactly? cuz honestly (like a crazy nutjob) I've been sayin under my breath for aprox 2.5 weeks now "suicide weekend, looks like suicide weekend...I bet its time for suicide reeeekend..." all the events lately, the "lifting" to allow for some to see (like R- Congress/Senate) showin their true colors to me looks like whats it called....political suicide soo... are we there yet?
(this is a legit question cuz I've been slightly obsessed /this particular Q topic since 1st posted by Q & I wonder whats the consensus on it & maybe u or someone could help w/drawing a map w/landmarks or just writing directions on how to get to some work done on the topic) obviously please & thank you
when is it exactly? cuz honestly (like a crazy nutjob) I've been sayin under my breath for aprox 2.5 weeks now "suicide weekend, looks like suicide weekend...I bet its time for suicide reeeekend..." all the events lately, the "lifting" to allow for some to see (like R- Congress/Senate) showin their true colors to me looks like whats it called....political suicide soo... are we there yet? (this is a legit question cuz I've been slightly obsessed /this particular Q topic since 1st posted by Q & I wonder whats the consensus on it & maybe u or someone could help w/drawing a map w/landmarks or just writing directions on how to get to some work done on the topic) obviously please & thank you
Suicide weekend is 22 jan after they realize they are through.
Of course it's is.....;)