Trump talked about bringing back the gold standard and as we know he's in the process of taking out the Rothschild thieves. I don't know anything about economics but people say everyone will be more prosperous if the gold standard comes back. How will the gold standard affect us? Thanks
EDIT: Thanks for all your comments guys! Y'all helped me understand
By having a gold standard, we the people have leverage by owning capital. Inflation and quantitative easing rip the power of collective capital out from under the feet of the masses. What good are savings and investment when the money can be vomited into existence?
The common person would actually see legitimate INTEREST GROWTH on their finances kept in an investment bank. Not this fractional-to-2% growth on secure deposits. Saving money, being frugal, would be rewarded, even if kept in a freakin' mattress; rather than the debtmax lifestyle of use-it-or-lose-it.
Sounds fantastic! Thanks for the comment bro