Unless there's special media or file requirements, Telegram channel posts are readable from the regular internet. Telegram is also available as a web-app so you can use your browser. What's the deal with not posting links to app, because apps are dangerous?
At least hate on Telegram for the right reasons, it requires a phone number to sign up so while it has reasonable to high privacy, it has no anonymity.
Telegram is ownd by the same people in deep state, thats why all this not telling us anything because all of those cops can see any of your things whenever they want, turn on your camera mic etc, so Telegram isnt just another app... But hey trus this guy posting links that make the anti malware go off. LOL get hacked man
thats why all this not telling us anything because
all of those cops can see any of your things whenever they want,
It's true that if you don't use the end to end encryption and the police get a warrant, the company will surrender readable info, much in the way I expect greatawakening.win will if in a similar situation.
turn on your camera mic etc, so Telegram isnt just another app
All apps can request camera and mic permissions. Decline, problem solved.
But hey trus this guy posting links that make the anti malware go off
LOL get hacked man
I assume you haven't even reflashed your home router with custom firmware and still using the state mandated backdoored firmware, noob.
I speak of my experience, your a noob if you think your google or apple based cell needs you to click anything,LOL i actually have a eduation regarding this. what do you have? youtube videos. JAJAJAJA
Unless there's special media or file requirements, Telegram channel posts are readable from the regular internet. Telegram is also available as a web-app so you can use your browser. What's the deal with not posting links to app, because apps are dangerous?
At least hate on Telegram for the right reasons, it requires a phone number to sign up so while it has reasonable to high privacy, it has no anonymity.
Uh you don't know how webapps work.
Telegram is ownd by the same people in deep state, thats why all this not telling us anything because all of those cops can see any of your things whenever they want, turn on your camera mic etc, so Telegram isnt just another app... But hey trus this guy posting links that make the anti malware go off. LOL get hacked man
The exile-russian deep state? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel_Durov
It's true that if you don't use the end to end encryption and the police get a warrant, the company will surrender readable info, much in the way I expect greatawakening.win will if in a similar situation.
All apps can request camera and mic permissions. Decline, problem solved.
I assume you haven't even reflashed your home router with custom firmware and still using the state mandated backdoored firmware, noob.
I speak of my experience, your a noob if you think your google or apple based cell needs you to click anything,LOL i actually have a eduation regarding this. what do you have? youtube videos. JAJAJAJA
I run a custom android ROM with no google apps. Your education was a waste of money. This conversation is over.