Unless there's special media or file requirements, Telegram channel posts are readable from the regular internet. Telegram is also available as a web-app so you can use your browser. What's the deal with not posting links to app, because apps are dangerous?
At least hate on Telegram for the right reasons, it requires a phone number to sign up so while it has reasonable to high privacy, it has no anonymity.
Telegram is not safe, stop posting links to an app. Post the video links directly.
Unless there's special media or file requirements, Telegram channel posts are readable from the regular internet. Telegram is also available as a web-app so you can use your browser. What's the deal with not posting links to app, because apps are dangerous?
At least hate on Telegram for the right reasons, it requires a phone number to sign up so while it has reasonable to high privacy, it has no anonymity.
Uh you don't know how webapps work.