posted ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists +53 / -1

To believe Trump will lose and doesn't have anything planned this would have to be true: First off everything we think we know about Trump being 4D chess, his team's ultra competence, etc. is wrong, and that he got outwitted by geniuses like Biden and Pelosi. He will go down in fact as a huge failure who after a year of letting the democrats walk over him by supporting riots and lockdowns that nearly destroyed the country, he just gave America to these communist traitors and opened the door for a potential conservative holocaust. Also after telling people for how long to never give up, after Jan 6th he surrendered rather than make any other hail mary effort, no longer feeling the will to fight after the capitol was stormed which was due to his own mistake of not realizing advertising Jan 6th would lead to violence. After years of mistreatment by the Democrats, media and big tech, he didn't get even with them in any way, he let them have everything they want. He's willing to take the chance that the Democrats won't Romanov him and his family literally or figuratively. The Q proofs, don't mean anything. Now think about how unlikely all that being true is, and how it would be compromising our reality not theirs, and then add a bunch more assumptions:

  1. The 25 thousand troops in DC directed by Chris Miller are for Biden's crowd-less inauguration
  2. Trump releasing videos where he doesn't mention Biden's name, he and Melania not talking about their plans after Jan 20th, Pompeo acting like Trump will have 2nd term, etc. means nothing. Despite how if his Trump's only goal was to prevent any more riots, it would be in his interest to make things 100% clear Biden will be inaugurated, invite him to the White House, etc. He could shut down his entire base's hopes if he wanted, but he's not.
  3. He is on a tear of signing executive orders that will be done in a week, wasting both his and Biden's time if he's really leaving.
  4. The Democrats rushing the 25th amendment and impeachment and Pelosi asking for the nuclear codes isn't because they're in panic mode.
  5. Trump declassifying Obamagate stuff isn't part of a plan to turn this around
  6. Harris not resigning her Senate seat this late is just a coincidence
  7. Obama's twitter absence means nothing

Is it really possible that NONE of these are signs of what's about to happen? That's before you even get to the "Trump is not at all who we thought he was and Q isn't real" part.