Look at the fencing and fortification around the Capitol Building, including the razor wire.
It does not look like it is to keep people from getting in, although it would certainly be effective in that role. It looks like it is a detention center.
Imagine trying to prosecute several hundred criminals. If you do it one by one, it would take decades. Logical thinking.
All the criminals will be rounded up and detained in the detention center. They will all be seated in the House of Representatives (the "People's House"), which is the scene of many of their crimes.
They will all be prosecuted by military tribunal at the same time, broadcast around the world, live from the People's House.
Evidence will be presented. Witnesses will be called. Any defendants who want to testify will be allowed to do so, and they can present any evidence or witnesses they would like.
It will be an education on American government that the whole world will see, and that the American people must. It will be an education on things that were kept secret from the people of the world for so many years.
The Great Awakening.
Just like the Nuremberg trials
Im on a Trump Train 100%, have no doubt hes gonna still be president somehow, but i dont see this happening tho, dun think it will be public trials.
It HAS to be public so the people can understand what has been happening.
I want to see that awful junior witch, AOC, charged with the rest of the squad for terrorism, treason, sedition.
That beast has gone too far.
Everyone that participated and organized those blm riots needs to be charged with treason. Donkey bitch AOC was definitely one of them
I’d take a couple days off to watch if they did tho ;)
Couple days??? I want a line up so know which days to watch.
If it's everyone at once, then I'll dvr it and watch the .win for the highlight