I have a tarot deck for amusement so the day after election, I asked what the final outcome would be. I drew a Four of Wands (upright), which in my deck has a man with a red toga cloth (Trump or Flynn) and a tall white woman (Powell) with a blue toga raising their hands outside city (fortress?) walls. Means celebration, relaxation, homecoming, among other things. Not a strong believer in divination but it was some needed hopium at the time.
I have a tarot deck for amusement so the day after election, I asked what the final outcome would be. I drew a Four of Wands (upright), which in my deck has a man with a red toga cloth (Trump or Flynn) and a tall white woman (Powell) with a blue toga raising their hands outside city (fortress?) walls. Means celebration, relaxation, homecoming, among other things. Not a strong believer in divination but it was some needed hopium at the time.