From a recent comment I made:
This all ACTUALLY makes sense.
Considering everything that's popped out and has been totally buried by the MSM - I have gone from thinking youre all schizophrenic; to making bags and bags of popcorn for the whole family.
I dont see a world where atleast something along the lines of a mass announcement detailing the crimes of these bastards occurs.
The biggest wake up call was when I saw CNN coming out AHEAD of all the investigations to report the SET UP BY ANTIFA at the capitol. There is no universe where CNN would try and clean up public misconception in favor of truth and reality unless they were in red alert defcon 5 and trying to buy leniency from the Storm.
I am a rational man. I believe you now.
You're here. But we were always with you. This is for PATRIOTS.
Even though I'm a Snow-pede (Canadian), I understand what it is America was founded on and what, in its unmolested form - stands for.
That is nothing less than the sovereignty of the sacred individual. Worth dying for IMHO.