Yeah, a lot of things are starting to make more sense. 1/3-1/2 of this stuff I've already picked up organically on the internet over the years, but tons of gaps are getting filled in and it's all coming together. I'll be done the Book of Q Proofs by the end of the weekend for sure.
Congratulations on arriving at an exciting time. Enjoy the show!
Dude I'm reading book of q proofs and going through this link on Las Vegas. What. The. Fuck. I knew the LV thing was shady, but holy shit.
Once you see everything for what it is, the world is never the same. It's good to have you, pede.
Yeah, a lot of things are starting to make more sense. 1/3-1/2 of this stuff I've already picked up organically on the internet over the years, but tons of gaps are getting filled in and it's all coming together. I'll be done the Book of Q Proofs by the end of the weekend for sure.
Do you have the link?