Q said not to retreat from Twitter/Facebook. They are the front lines in this information warfare. Quit telling people not to use Twitter. They weren’t created for profit and don’t depend on profit to exist.
Q said not to retreat from Twitter/Facebook. They are the front lines in this information warfare. Quit telling people not to use Twitter. They weren’t created for profit and don’t depend on profit to exist.
Read his comment. We're not supposed to retreat from the battlefield. We're supposed to engage the normies there with information and memes to help wake them up.
Don't post Twatter links.
Replace twitter.com with nitter.net to cuck Twatter out of revenue or post screenshots.
E.g. https://nitter.net/SecPompeo?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Q said not to retreat from Twitter/Facebook. They are the front lines in this information warfare. Quit telling people not to use Twitter. They weren’t created for profit and don’t depend on profit to exist.
Read his comment. We're not supposed to retreat from the battlefield. We're supposed to engage the normies there with information and memes to help wake them up.
Learn. To. Read.
Just press the link and read the post.