Why are Q people still believing in Alex Jones?! Q outs AJ and Jerome Corsi as disinformation. They get you roped in and then take you away from the truth. Corsi is Mossad and AJ is CIA. Do people just skip over that Q post because they don't like it?! William Cooper outed AJ too and he was a TRUE patriot. AJ REPEATEDLY attacked Q and the Q movement. I see that some of us are still at least partly asleep.
Why are Q people still believing in Alex Jones?! Q outs AJ and Jerome Corsi as disinformation. They get you roped in and then take you away from the truth. Corsi is Mossad and AJ is CIA. Do people just skip over that Q post because they don't like it?! William Cooper outed AJ too and he was a TRUE patriot. AJ REPEATEDLY attacked Q and the Q movement. I see that some of us are still at least partly asleep.