I've wondered a lot recently why the same laws about calling in fake bomb threats etc dont apply to fake stories like this. Or hysterics about some new covid mutation. Or dire warnings about climate change, supremacists, nazis, eating meat, right wing recruiting and radicalisation on the internet.. all the leftists tropes, all sans evidence and not passing any critical analysis.
Print and TV media a long time can commit essentially infinite slander just as long as they add a retraction buried in the back pages somewhere with tiny font a couple of days later.
And every one of these nonsense stories will be used to spruik specific sections of the stock market, for people who have the advantage of knowing about the stories before they are released making a financial killing each time. The rothchilds stole all england based on this strategy during the napoleonic wars so its one hell of a crime motivation.
Reforming the publisher/platform laws is needed, but this loophole via which so much crime is occurring also needs to be shut.
I've wondered a lot recently why the same laws about calling in fake bomb threats etc dont apply to fake stories like this. Or hysterics about some new covid mutation. Or dire warnings about climate change, supremacists, nazis, eating meat, right wing recruiting and radicalisation on the internet.. all the leftists tropes, all sans evidence and not passing any critical analysis.
Print and TV media a long time can commit essentially infinite slander just as long as they add a retraction buried in the back pages somewhere with tiny font a couple of days later.
And every one of these nonsense stories will be used to spruik specific sections of the stock market, for people who have the advantage of knowing about the stories before they are released making a financial killing each time. The rothchilds stole all england based on this strategy during the napoleonic wars so its one hell of a crime motivation.
Reforming the publisher/platform laws is needed, but this loophole via which so much crime is occurring also needs to be shut.