My issue is during the q and a by Q he said jfk jr wasn’t alive, and separately stated the “start” was the plane crash which insinuates jfk jr being taken out sparked the start of “the plan”
I gotta stick with Q, if he’s alive it will be amazing but it’s not helpful to dig, it distracts from digging in shit with actual sources to follow up
Q would never say yes he is alive. think about what your saying. that would not be good to confirm to strangers on the internet. that type of information is top secret. leaks happened for those who can decide for themselves. he is alive imo.
It was a q and a, and many questions were not answered, he didn’t have to answer
I do t want to tell you that jr must be dead, all I’m saying is it’s not a valuable subject to spend effort researching, if it happens it happens, if it’s that top secret you won’t figure it out on your own
Is it possible he’s in witness protection, working with his boy Trump, sure, is it going to help you redpill normies? No, it’s going to make us look crazy
I’ll agree to disagree, not in his actual life or death status, but that pushing that narrative is hurtful to Q
and anons is my opinion.
Regardless you and I are still on the same team, I’m not trying to come from a place of belittling you or your opinion
I will concede this, Q said to know everything will be up to those who research, we may never know if he’s alive or not
who cares what people think of Q anyways. if they don't believe, it wont change the facts that the swamp is going down. people decide what is a valuable subject, i dont agree it isn't valuable to research. i will keep posting about it and if someone likes the news. great, if they don't. wont stop me from posting about it.
agreed, but it looks like him in disguise.
I know what your talking about and I do agree
My issue is during the q and a by Q he said jfk jr wasn’t alive, and separately stated the “start” was the plane crash which insinuates jfk jr being taken out sparked the start of “the plan”
I gotta stick with Q, if he’s alive it will be amazing but it’s not helpful to dig, it distracts from digging in shit with actual sources to follow up
Q would never say yes he is alive. think about what your saying. that would not be good to confirm to strangers on the internet. that type of information is top secret. leaks happened for those who can decide for themselves. he is alive imo.
It was a q and a, and many questions were not answered, he didn’t have to answer
I do t want to tell you that jr must be dead, all I’m saying is it’s not a valuable subject to spend effort researching, if it happens it happens, if it’s that top secret you won’t figure it out on your own
Is it possible he’s in witness protection, working with his boy Trump, sure, is it going to help you redpill normies? No, it’s going to make us look crazy
I’ll agree to disagree, not in his actual life or death status, but that pushing that narrative is hurtful to Q and anons is my opinion.
Regardless you and I are still on the same team, I’m not trying to come from a place of belittling you or your opinion
I will concede this, Q said to know everything will be up to those who research, we may never know if he’s alive or not
who cares what people think of Q anyways. if they don't believe, it wont change the facts that the swamp is going down. people decide what is a valuable subject, i dont agree it isn't valuable to research. i will keep posting about it and if someone likes the news. great, if they don't. wont stop me from posting about it.