I went digging, and I found nothing profound about this person. He was a philanthropist (and I know that means nothing). He was some kind of horse carriage enthusiasts. I pondered whether he killed himself for any reason or whether he was killed by the deep state as someone who may have peeked behind the curtain and could testify without duress once everything goes down. In other words, was he lured to something and quietly turned it down? Was he silenced before he could speak of what he saw? I can't see an eighty-nine-year old man with Parkinson's climbing up to jump out of anything. But I'm holding my opinion on his allegiances until or if anything does come up about him. If anyone has other information, please share.
On another word, I agree with the post that indicates that we are not acting in good faith in our understanding of Q if we are rejoicing at the death of others. I believe commenting and understanding why a person might commit suicide or be killed is one thing. Rejoicing in it is another. We are only turning people away when we do that. And actually, we come off just like the left who are calling for our demise. We are asked not to gloat when things go down. If we can't handle it during the show, how will be handle things when the show is over and we need to share things with others? Just a thought.
I went digging, and I found nothing profound about this person. He was a philanthropist (and I know that means nothing). He was some kind of horse carriage enthusiasts. I pondered whether he killed himself for any reason or whether he was killed by the deep state as someone who may have peeked behind the curtain and could testify without duress once everything goes down. In other words, was he lured to something and quietly turned it down? Was he silenced before he could speak of what he saw? I can't see an eighty-nine-year old man with Parkinson's climbing up to jump out of anything. But I'm holding my opinion on his allegiances until or if anything does come up about him. If anyone has other information, please share. On another word, I agree with the post that indicates that we are not acting in good faith in our understanding of Q if we are rejoicing at the death of others. I believe commenting and understanding why a person might commit suicide or be killed is one thing. Rejoicing in it is another. We are only turning people away when we do that. And actually, we come off just like the left who are calling for our demise. We are asked not to gloat when things go down. If we can't handle it during the show, how will be handle things when the show is over and we need to share things with others? Just a thought.