Twitter was not created for profit and does not depend on profit to stay in business. Really tired of seeing noobs jumping on others’ backs for posting Twitter links here.
Most of these tech companies don't make profit from the site it self. It's mainly from harvesting info and ads and as user bases diminish and people become more aware of digital information security theses sites basically only exist to be propaganda arms. This is an information war and just like in a hot war if you retreat from the battlefield the enemy will bring the fight to your base. (Gab/Parler/Bitchute/Rumble) We have to fight to maintain whatever ground we can on the enemies turf.
Weighing up pros and cons to this, I think I agree on the side of the fence you have chosen.
Choice 1 and refusing to link to twitter but using a screenshot or archive, you deprive them of some minor activity from people here that follow-up and go dig further into the feeds. Supposedly worth something to the company
Choice 2 and linking to twitter, you publicise potentially huge or impactful stories quicker and easier, and make it easier to engage further - read sources and linked articles and all that. With the actual live thing and not a point in time capture like an archive site would have.
For the people that have deleted or refuse to create twitter accounts, being able to go to twitter to read and copy/paste and cite is still pretty useful.
Twitter was not created for profit and does not depend on profit to stay in business. Really tired of seeing noobs jumping on others’ backs for posting Twitter links here.
Most of these tech companies don't make profit from the site it self. It's mainly from harvesting info and ads and as user bases diminish and people become more aware of digital information security theses sites basically only exist to be propaganda arms. This is an information war and just like in a hot war if you retreat from the battlefield the enemy will bring the fight to your base. (Gab/Parler/Bitchute/Rumble) We have to fight to maintain whatever ground we can on the enemies turf.
Weighing up pros and cons to this, I think I agree on the side of the fence you have chosen.
Choice 1 and refusing to link to twitter but using a screenshot or archive, you deprive them of some minor activity from people here that follow-up and go dig further into the feeds. Supposedly worth something to the company
Choice 2 and linking to twitter, you publicise potentially huge or impactful stories quicker and easier, and make it easier to engage further - read sources and linked articles and all that. With the actual live thing and not a point in time capture like an archive site would have.
For the people that have deleted or refuse to create twitter accounts, being able to go to twitter to read and copy/paste and cite is still pretty useful.