Alright, we have to talk about this, frens. Please spend just a few minutes browsing Thomas Wictor’s posts over at this QuodVerum place.
I haven’t made time figuring out how to use that place yet, and I haven’t registered for an account - yet - but I will. Lots of very sharp people there, such as Rex, Duane & Brian Cates, and more.
Just an FYI: it seems that posts appear in reverse order, so you often have to read from the bottom up. Strange. Anyway....
I’ve known of Wictor for years. I have watched him get deplatformed from twitter and various other places - surprisingly, he still has an active YouTube Channel. I’ll cut to the chase & be brutally honest with my frens; I respect Wictor greatly and think he is very, VERY sharp, but I think he’s quite....crusty. Curmudgeonly. Gruff. To put it mildly. He’s got absolutely zero tolerance nor patience for fools - which is great - but pay careful attention to how he talks about Q & Anons. He absolutely, completely hates us and heaps a massive amount of blame on US for the way things are right now.
In particular, he seems to blame us for the whole Jan. 6 Capitol fiasco, in addition to blaming us for Trump getting banned from twitter.
(Post below) This makes zero sense, since anyone with 10% of the intelligence of Wictor knows that Jan 6 was a false flag and antifa / BLM / communists were 100% behind the Capitol false flag event.
Just look at wictor’s words & what he says; it seems that anons and Wictor are saying the exact same thing; Trump is a master strategist who has a grand master plan he is about to unveil to save the republic and defeat our enemy. We are both saying the exact same thing, yet Wictor calls us 5 year old, reckless children idiots.
I mean; just look at this post of his, copied verbatim:
The Q-anon idiots who were led like children into the Democrats' trap had no faith in Trump. So they decided to do something totally insane. They worked themselves up into a frenzy and very nearly screwed the entire country. THEY were the ones who got Trump deplatformed. Don't ever defend them to me, because I'll tear you a new you-know-what. I told you to trust Trump, you didn't, and look where we are now. Luckily Trump is the man I always said he is. He saved our bacon again.
:::::::::::: What I’m asking is;
*A) What’s the label for this phenomenon where we are both saying the same thing, yet Wictor insists on calling us enemies and morons? *B) What is Wictor saying Trump is going to do that is substantively different from what Q and Anons believe and say?
I’m confused.
ETA1: I have been spending more and more time reading over there at QuodVerum and it really is a remarkable place. It is very reassuring to see so many obviously brilliant people who believe so firmly in Trump, in the people he has carefully surrounded himself with, and who believe, as we do, in the existence of a grand master plan / strategy.
I’m not certain, but I’d wager a guess that, as with Wictor, many of the other people on QV have similarly dim views of Q & Anons. Again; I’m just flummoxed by this, since we are saying almost the exact same thing, verbatim. Can anyone shed light?
ETA2: My first sticky??? Holy crap!! I’m flattered & honored!!! Thanks anons!!
:::::::::: ETA3: Just to be perfectly crystal clear, because I’m terrified of getting on wictor’s bad side (not really, exaggerating LLMAO); this is NOT in any way intended to be negative, attack, disparagement; NOTHING OF HTE SORT at Wictor nor anyone at QV. To the contrary; I do have a ton of respect for men like Wictor & most everyone at QuodVerum and I’m the last person in the world to ask to have my hand held and ass kissed.
This post is purely to ascertain how Anons and Wictor can be saying the exactly same thing; Trump is a master strategist with a grand plan to save America and the world; yet Wictor viciously attacks us as not merely wrong nor misguided, but he claims we OUTRIGHT HANDICAP POTUS Trump.
Anyway; NOT an attack on Wictor, just in case this gets too popular.
I think he’s right. Much of the Q movement is filled with idiocy. If you are to believe Q is “real”, then you should also know that much of what Q posted was misinformation. It had to be that way if it is in fact real. If there was an operation in place, how much sense would it make to spell it out in full detail for the world to see? If there is truth in it, then it had to look absurd in order for it to be leaked.
You would also have to know that you were supposed to use logic to discern the real from the misinformation and do your own research. Unfortunately most of the Q fans do not do this. Instead they swallow it all as gospel. This in turn makes them ipso facto pretty stupid.
There are a lot of things that make SOME of Q’s crumbs seem credible. Stick to those and those alone, IMO. Some of the rest may or may not be true, but certainly not all of it can be true. I am open to being wrong about this, but it would have to be proven to me by facts. Nothing anyone can do or say will change my mind.
I do not judge anyone. I still come here looking for facts that back up the crumbs. That’s it. I’m not here to persuade anyone. Believe what you like. I just actually “like” only things that I can factually verify. The rest is just noise to me.
Wictor is similar to this line of thinking. He predicted a military operation was in place before Q even first posted. What TW thinks may align with some Q posts, but TW is not a follower. He is his own thinking self.