SvixGale 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seriously?? Can you please post any links?? Thanks Fren!!!

SvixGale 6 points ago +6 / -0

Holy fucking shit, this is SAVAGE!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not surprised by ANYTHING these days, but THIS.......😲🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


SvixGale 4 points ago +4 / -0

Completely disagree. People become slaves to drugs and their basest desires. Promiscuity destroys women - and men, but women the worst, families, our society, all of us.

Drugs, porn, hook-up culture LITERALLY is bread & circuses.

SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn, that’s so obvious why didn’t I think of it before…. Great call!!! Absolutely. I’ll bet its just like the infamous “$40,000.00 toilet seat” and similar insanely “overpriced” stuff the gov buys; it’s not “overpriced”; the overpayments are used to fund black / deep black operations (whatever they can’t fund from literally running drugs) and definitely launder….

So if our gov gives (((them))) 300 billion, you can bet at least - what - 10% for the big guy - ended up in American pockets……


SvixGale 10 points ago +10 / -0

The TRUTH should never be considered "harsh"

She's a literal whore.

She accepted jobs, political appointments, etc. in exchange for sex. Probably cash money too at some point.

What's the dif btween accepting a job - which pays you money - esp. the cushy, joke state appointments she got - for sex - vs. just accepting a couple hundred bucks?

Potato, Potatoe.

prostitute 1 of 3 verb pros·​ti·​tute ˈprä-stə-ˌtüt -ˌtyüt : to offer for sexual intercourse in exchange for pay"


SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank You! Link in my OP allows you to download in EPUB, PDF & more.... 😘🙏🐸👌

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Based on every single vibe I get from him, he 10000% seems like the type to do something like this purely as a troll.

a) He's definitely done some thermo-nuclear trolling of other people in the past / frequently,

b) I rest my case: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qpCYyC6xm-g

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously; Thanks so much for all the links!!! I'm definitely saving all for later & reading about half now!!!

SvixGale 2 points ago +3 / -1

Daaaamn...... Yeah, I recently learned that jews basically 100% owned the slave trade....I was trying to be somewhat gentle for any undecideds who might be lurking...😲😜😜🤣🤣

I was stopping short of saying that "jews are literally the cause of all the world ills", but......seems that anything less than that is just flat out fucking LYING. 😲😲

SvixGale 8 points ago +8 / -0

1984 is literal fact.

"War is peace" "Ignorance is knowledge" "Ugly is beauty" "Men are / can be women" "Women can be men" "My truth"

etc. etc. etc.

SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's always (D)emocratic when WE do it!!! #PunchaNazi

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

(D)emocracy is whatever WE say it is, you fascist!!!

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

(D)emocracy is whatever WE say it is, you fascist!!!

SvixGale 1 point ago +1 / -0

IDK how I feel about this, guys.....Heels Up accepting money instead of sexual favors for political office / appointments / favors.....feels kinda gross & shady to me....

SvixGale 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honest question; How big a difference did that make?

I don't remember the media being that much different prior to whenever hussein passed his propaganda act....

Does anyone have any concrete examples of how the "Smith Mundt Modernization" made any tangible impact?

SvixGale 4 points ago +6 / -2

Holy shit....been a while since I read bin-laden's letter, was shocked to find this:

"We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honor, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and usury (trading with interest)."

I think pretty much all of us here agree with that.....

SvixGale 9 points ago +12 / -3

I truly don't know enough about Hamas / any middle eastern country / organization (arabic) to draw many firm conclusions.

I DO know that:

Basically; he attacked America because we attacked them & have occupied their lands for decades.

  • Muslims are definitely a little overly extreme in treating women like literal property, BUT they are right to maintain a patriarchal society. Look what's happened since we passed the 19th Amendment & let feminism & estrogen run rampant in our world....

  • Israel is absolutely a huge enemy. They are - as a country - vile, shifty, fucking pure evil.

  • Most here are aware of what the jews have done to the world.

DO NOT take my word for it; Go look for yourself; Do an "Early Life Check" - check the "early life" section of wikipedia or similar sites, and look for the ethnicity of the following people:

  • Almost all prominent leftists / communist politicians;

  • Almost everyone in hollywood, ESP. the owners / producers / executives. WEINSTEIN, HELLO......

  • Owner / executive of virtually every wall street bank / hedge fund / investment bank; HELLO, LARRY FINK......

  • Owners / producers / creators of virtually ALL porn, ESPECIALLY the stuff that's truly vile, disgusting, demeaning to women, violent, and promotes homosexuality & miscegenation

  • Most porn actors & actresses

  • Banksters; SO many (((people))) at the top of the entire banking & finance industry - not just wall street....HELLO: SAM BANKMAN-FRIED........!

  • Any communist NGO / organization / entity; unions, environmentalists, any leftist special interest group

Go look for yourself.

I used to think anyone ranting on about the jews was a literal tinfoil hat nutjob.

Then I saw the patterns for myself. I'm one of those weird people who changes his opinions & beliefs based on facts. GO figure......

ETA: LOL who TF are the tiny hats running around here downvoting me??? 🤣🤣😘😘👌👌

SvixGale 12 points ago +14 / -2

Advocate Killing Jews

I do not advocate the mass, indiscriminate killing of any group of people who have not directly harmed me, my family, my country. Which means pretty much no group of people.

That said.....

Have you read up lately on (((their))) views of white people?

I don't advocate killing of random / average "innocent" israeli citizens, but...... after all that "God's (((chosen people)))" as a whole have done to the world, i just can't find it in my heart to care.

Anyone who feels the slightest bit bad about this;

Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance.


The United States provided Israel considerable economic assistance from 1971 to 2007, but nearly all U.S. aid today goes to support Israel’s military, the most advanced in the region. The United States has provisionally agreed via a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to provide Israel with $3.8 billion per year through 2028.


With all that money, they should damn well be able to fend for themselves. Or do they need American blood AND money too???

SvixGale 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean; the roof was SO steep that it was too dangerous for the United States Secret Service, so.......

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