? These people are stupid!
Sooooo.....Trump has them all literally trapped in DC. Like a CAGE. Its amazing. It's habbening!
How did we get here...(its called knowing the playbook!)
He called his supporters in for the big capitol hill rally. He knew the playbook. Anitfa infiltrated and stormed the hill. Easy to create bad optics for MAGA and Q. (Oh no! Trump made a mistake! GRR noo! We look like insureeeectionists!
Whats this? Now we can send in the NG and MARINES? For Protection? Whats this? Now the whole place is FENCED IN? NO WAY IN?
OR is it..
Let's say it together now......THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID.
-Love ya from Canada!
That’s what I have thought and heard from others lately. Rumored (not confirmed) the locks on the gates are on the outside of the walls NOT the inside. That is very interesting if true! Sending Love to our neighbors from the US ??❤️??❤️
THAT's interesting...we need to crowdsource where the locks are..
Go there yourself. My ass is as far from DC as I can be.
I live in Toronto Canada
Sorry about that. I see you leafs are dealing with your own problems. Good luck
Im an American in Nobleton right now. Going back to Maryland here in a couple of days.
You guys up here need to look at your government too! Ive heard you're using Dominion to count ballots as well and just listening to 680am in the morning, I can see your govt is just as fucked.
The razzor wire is on the inside. All you need to know to confirm.