Sad to say somehow I raised a raging liberal. Not that he isn't surrounded by other family members that agree, but still. Anyway, I fear we may be one of those Civil War households. I told him to keep it down (playing a video game God this post just keeps getting more depressing) and he had a meltdown about how Trump is a fascist dictator. Didn't think it was the time to send this Babylon Bee article LOL. If there's any good news in this story, I think whatever HE reads to get his information must be chock full of pure PANIC. Otherwise you'd think he'd be glad to be rid of Orange Man Bad in a few days.
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You're not the only one going through this. I just don't know how the mind wipe is so effective on some, yet we're not falling for any of it.
It feels like our young adult children were activated somehow.
Both of mine were not entrenched and then all of the sudden they are concentrated on hate of everything godly.
make them watch video testimonies of people who visited hell