What if the Democrats are "no shows"?
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So because we can't convince your normie friends of the facts you say give up on the plan and let the satanists carry on. I say fuck them, believe what you want but the adults in the room are here to take care of business, and let's take care of it quickly.
"I'm not ever sure if arrests and military tribunals would be a good play."
Your right, at this point it's the ONLY PLAY!
Rip the bandaid the dumb fucks will keep on doing normie shit and will ignore all of this like they ignore everything else.
I’m at this point too. I have spent hours, days, months researching, listening and looking for truth. I know what’s up because i put the time in and because I care. Yet people try to tell ME what i know or don’t know and why. Let them swallow the pill, dry. Ignorance can be ignored, but pointing the finger while ignorant is a different animal
You'll be emotionally gratified but you'll alienate the other half of the country and spark a civil war and probable foreign intervention.
How do you maintain unity AND bring the deep state to justice?
You SHOW them, declas it all, the evil disgusting perverted crimes against humanity. Completely expose them. "They won't be able to walk down the street" is not a trite catch phrase but a statement that the lives of these evil people would be forfeit at the hands of the general public if they walked the streets once exposed.
The thing is, even if you show them they'll just be like "deep fake" or they just won't care, the cognitive dissonance, IMHO, is THAT bad.
If they're that unhinged, why are you even wasting your time worrying about it? There is NOTHING that can be done to show some people the light.
The left NEVER wanted unity. The same people we want to throw in prison for life are the very people that have brainwashed the left into not wanting the same unity you're so concerned with. You'd let this nice sounding concept of unity that is already impossible to maintain get in the way of taking our country back?
Bro. I mean this in the kindest way possible, but stop being a cuck. They wouldn't care if you were dead, your children tossed in reeducation camps, and your legacy erased forever, and that's before any of these arrests happen (if they do). Stand up for yourself. They are not worthy of us sacrificing our country to coddle their feelings. Unity will not be within reach until these traitors who have stifled any progression towards unity (among their other heinous crimes) are imprisoned and no longer influencing the masses.
To be fair that's kind of the exact same thing we do..