That's the double edged sword and crux of the whole Oath of enlistment.
There are two parts to it
That you will defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC
2.That you will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over you, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice
But what the fuck happens when and if the president and/or officers are corrupt? What happens when the greatest, most vicious enemies are the pulling the strings of the Military industrial complex
We've already seen what happened after 9/11, and even most of the wars before then.
A lot of retirees end up becoming defense contractors. They make a hell of a lot more money and have a lot of pull in military operations. due to their rank when they retired.
That's the double edged sword and crux of the whole Oath of enlistment.
There are two parts to it
2.That you will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over you, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice
But what the fuck happens when and if the president and/or officers are corrupt? What happens when the greatest, most vicious enemies are the pulling the strings of the Military industrial complex We've already seen what happened after 9/11, and even most of the wars before then.
A lot of retirees end up becoming defense contractors. They make a hell of a lot more money and have a lot of pull in military operations. due to their rank when they retired.