So on Telegram the legit? Lin Wood channel said to follow Telegram since deleted. At least from memory I think it was Lin. Must have been I’m only following a very few people there. guy puts a post up of Legit???? Since deleted. account created today Posts The man who stole Nancy Pelosi's laptop has apparently died of a suicide. 5:58PM Donald Trump is aware of the Italian government interfering in the election. 7:02PM The President of the United States must act now. 7:10PM The NSA is making a move right now. 7:28PM Red 6 7:54PM
Edit: At 7:53 Dollar Vigilante posts this It is a Disclose TV link saying Something about Chris Miller telling the director of the NSA to install a former GOP political operative As the NSA’s top lawyer but unclear what the NSA will do.
Or maybe they are doing the switcheroos purposefully to create confusion and indecisiveness in the DS. Because I’m quite sure I got that Lin Wood Telegram from Lin Wood Parler before it got shut down. And I got his Parler from his Twitter before that got shut down. I’m not just Willy Nilly style following anything that fucking move from who knows where.
And another thing. The link path was deleted at each step. Unless this some is grand plan to make me specifically look like an idiot SOMETHING is crack-a-lackin even if it’s designed disinformation.