posted ago by Death_Metal_Patriot ago by Death_Metal_Patriot +12 / -0

Check out these 3 year deltas coming up:

Drop 527: "Q !UW.yye1fxo No.15 Jan 13 2018 22:58:34 (EST) [MONDAY] Next Week - BIGGER. PUBLIC. We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60]. Q"

Drop 540: "Q !UW.yye1fxo No.24 Jan 18 2018 21:09:31 (EST) Are you following the news today? WHAT A BIG NEWS DAY. These people are REALLY stupid. This will be the END of the D party. This will be the path forward (w/ public outrage) to JAIL many so-called 'untouchables'. You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER. DOWN SHE GOES. Q"

Drop 541: "Q !UW.yye1fxo No.25 Jan 18 2018 21:16:41 (EST) What [19] people are currently meeting in a 'safe' room [heavily guarded]? Why did everyone leave their phones/all other electronic devices in Room 239? Why does it take the information going PUBLIC before JUSTICE is served? Why is the D party MAKING EVERY EFFORT TO BLOCK THE RELEASE OF THIS FISA C-INFO? WHY DID RR PLEAD TO RYAN MOMENTS AGO TO PREVENT THE RELEASE OF THIS INFORMATION? WHERE IS AS? [8] FIRED. [X] JAILED. Possible SUICIDES. ++ / + TICK TOCK. Q"

Drop 543: "Q !UW.yye1fxo No.27 Jan 18 2018 21:22:18 (EST) THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q"

Drop 552: "Q !UW.yye1fxo No.36 Jan 18 2018 23:54:12 (EST)" [Just a picture with a sign that says "Storm Coming"]

Drop 561: "Q !UW.yye1fxo No.42 Jan 19 2018 03:23:37 (EST) MSM is FAKE NEWS. Propaganda. Talking points [4am] - private email addresses. Paid contractors. JUDGEMENT DAY. Q"

Drop 562: "Q !UW.yye1fxo No.43 Jan 19 2018 16:02:49 (EST) Remember THIS DAY. Q"

We got the declassification this week. I don't think we'll see anything on a Sunday. Bureaucrats never do squat on a Sunday. The 3 year delta from last week said next week on Monday, that's when I'm expecting to see something.