SuqamisLostPassport 3 points ago +4 / -1

Movie Tenet ends at Cannon Place. And it’s ironic because the scene is about the BOOM that doesn’t go off has the power to change the world.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

He goes to a word-faith church that minimizes the doctrine of depravity and teaches contrary to 2 Peter 3 and contrary to Rev 19:15.

He goes to a church that demands leaders publicly speak gibberish. Don’t submit to the peer pressure? You are marginalized.

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +4 / -0

Story is fake and gay. This is psychological warfare. Political thespian pretending to be Police Chief Johnny Jennings blamed a “high power rifle” for the deaths. Do low power rifles exist? Are medium power rifles still safe? This is all a circus show directed by gay clowns.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rolling Stone was also the name of the covert double cross operation in The Spy Who Came In From the Cold. Watch The Spy Who Came In from Cold and think of Smiley as Trump and Biden as Richard Burton character.

SuqamisLostPassport 6 points ago +6 / -0

The 2.3 Trillion audit trail was all at the Pentagon.

Building 7 was CIA and War on Drugs / DEA records. And Whitewater. Mena.

Hilary (Rodham) Clinton family owned a gun manufacturing plant and the weapons were smuggled to South America. The cartels paid for the guns by cooperating with CIA in drug smuggling operations into the Southern US. The drugs were pushed to Africans in the inner cities. The money from the 80s Crack and Cocaine addiction was then laundered to fund Middle East terrorism and 9-11.

All the evidence and know-how and personnel (agents and assets) were killed during 2001 terror attacks. Because that particular supply chain was old and compromised. 9-11 allowed for a new and more streamlined system. This new system was more compartmentalized, unmonitored, undocumented, and largely outside US legal jurisdiction.

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think this movie is a remake of a French-Belgian movie titled Man Bites Dog. It’s about a camera crew that follows a psychopathic killer, and the camera crew slowly transitions from fans to participants in the killing spree.

The early dialogue of New Journalism brown-nosing and hero worshiping Kirsten is so heavy handed and poorly written I feel this is an early hint that this movie is intended as satire.

It’s a movie about journalism but no actual journalism takes place. The media are portrayed as unthinking piranhas that turn on themselves.

I think Garland’s movie is an Andy Kaufman joke, because the film is disconcertingly opposite of what he described on the Dialy Show with Kosta.

SuqamisLostPassport 2 points ago +2 / -0


The Cabal suppresses the Flood as historic fact, this allows them to perpetuate the lie of oil scarcity. It also allows them to limit the study of radioactive material so outsiders can’t make or detect nuclear weapons. It also fools outsiders to look in the wrong places for oil, rare elements and minerals and radioactive materials.

SuqamisLostPassport 6 points ago +6 / -0

To offer some context, this comic was three years after the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated and conservative radio had started in 1987. Comic was also three years after Trump had done his Larry King interview and had started talking about politics. And revenge. And comic was also less than three years from when William Cooper began writing about space aliens on the internet an talking about aliens on his radio broadcast. I think this is not prescient but a reactionary comic, and Trump himself, at the time, was saying he liked revenge. This is just a liberal comic artists taking Trump's statement of how he operates to absurd levels to try and discredit someone who wasn't 100 liberal in 1990.

Trump had given interviews with Larry King and others, he was probably at the top of the list of populists currently disrupting the Primary process and would cause headaches for the Uniparty going forward if not discredited immediately. They were probably afraid of him becoming the next Rush Limbaugh of TV. And actually, if anyone was a closet black hat, it was Limbaugh, who never once even dared to say the Republican party was a heel for the Uniparty. And if I remember correctly, I think Limbaugh also refused to say that Bush's stint as CIA director disqualified him in 88, but Limbaugh only started in 88 so I think I'm misremembering. Did GHWB ever call into the Rush radio program before the election or am I imagining something that never happened?

I'm sure in 1990s the CIA was activating assets to mock and demonize people like Trump and Ross Perot, and Cooper and soon Savage. The CIA even attack their own assets just to display to EVERYONE that they can and will destroy, silence, and blacklist ANYONE for even thinking about stepping out of line. I mean, the whole point of the Great Awakening is to realize that the Uniparty has been fixing and manipulating and cheating in elections AND primaries since the beginning. And remember, Bush ran the CIA yet even he had all of his minions in the press attack him and his son. So someone being mocked or not mocked doesn't mean too much. Cooper and all the militias were talking about the border so the wall thing isn't exactly prescient, I mean only 4 years later Michael Savage started screaming about the border (maybe, I was too young to remember, and he had a much smaller audience). I guess what I'm trying to say is, is that the CIA and all Globalists have had nightmares since the 1860s about a populist candidate winning the Presidency on the issue of immigration and financial independence from central bank. The KKK was started by Democrats and British Globalists as a controlled opposition group to make the issue of globalization and immigration toxic and unpopular. They wanted the issues of immigration and globalization to become attributed to people who were terrorists and homicidal religious zealots. I see this comic as a continuation of the Democrat-KKK operation to discredit Southerners legitimate concerns.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m calling it now, soon Italian candidate DeSantis will promise to expunge Christ’s conviction by the Romans to get Christians to stop being anti-Semitic.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

Israel could covertly set off a conventional nuke, irradiate everyone, and make the Muslims look bad, and then respond by dropping a ‘sustainable green energy’ Neutron bomb in retaliation.

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +4 / -0

As I understand, vaccines introduce toxins and heavy metals like mercury and aluminum to prompt your immune system to respond, and when your immune system responds, your body hypothetically notices the dead viruses and makes antibodies. But by their own admission, every vaccine has to have enough toxicity to trigger an immune response, otherwise your white blood cells wouldn’t know to look for anything. An analogy would be a person punching you in the face with brass knuckles and them telling you if you ever see his face again he’ll hit you harder. You will probably remember his face due to trauma, and you’ll forever avoid people who wear brass knuckles.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m surprised The Spy Who Came in From the Cold ever got made into a movie. That was 60 years ago.

SuqamisLostPassport 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's a good movie, but it's also a Godless movie. Should be required viewing for information but not inspiration. It's very demonic. Andre isn't wrong but he's not completely right either.

The movie wasn't predicting the future, it was pointing out that control masters have used cities as prisons for thousands of years. A city is a prison. All cities are prisons. A city can't be anything other than a prison. All cities are designed by puppet master bankers with one purpose. The movie doesn't say it, but the Bible tells us that Satan uses cities for the eradication of the Holy spirit and the subjugation of the inhabitants by the implementation of an egregore. The city-as-insane-asylum is maintained by pride and fear and cognitive dissonance. Cities are slaughter houses.

The movie was about a man, Andre, searching for pagan spirituality. The pagan man found a way of living that predated modern central planning and Rothschild control. It was a movie that celebrated the atheistic humanism that existed in antediluvian times before Babel. It wasn't a Godly movie, but it had partial truth. More truth than the Synagogue of Satan will give you. But the pagan man was still in a prison of spiritual bondage. Andre escaped collectivism and financial indebtedness but had hitched himself to spiritual hysteria.

From Genesis:

They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

God created the human race to live on farms. Humanity was never intended to be ordered by generals nor politicians. God intended for us to be grouped as families. Families dependent on divine providence. This way, if the husband acts stupidly or immorally, justice is immediate and sin is soon found out. For instance, a drunkard farmer will soon repent or die. But after the drunkard falls into sin, soon the family members that aren't drunkards inherit the family farm.

Cities, on the other hand, spread the moral hazard around. Study the Creature From Jekyll Island. The point of cities is to bankrupt the farmers, foreclose the property, take all the wealth, and get everyone distracted and fragmented so they don't unite and lynch the bankers.

Sin can fester, grow, and spread in a city. Generational sin can survive and thrive in a city, whereas generational and rampant sin cannot survive on a farm or isolated household.

When people live as God intended, it's impossible to hide sin and rebellion.

But Satan promises wealth, ease, safety, guaranteed results, community, architecture, buildings, structure, grandeur, order, authority, military honor, accolades, team spirit, cheerleaders, circuses, boxers, gladiators, adoring fans, and people who demand awe. But you have to come to the city to find it. And above all, entertainment. Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy. To quote Ravenhill.

Satan rules by the love of money. And the best way to steal, murder and lie is in a city. GET OUT OF THE CITY. Plant a tree, start a farm, live life as close to agriculture as possible.

Avoid debt, avoid banks, avoid 'cash.'

Learn from the Amish. Trade, barter, and store up treasures for yourself in heaven.

SuqamisLostPassport 9 points ago +10 / -1


If you mirror it and also mirror and invert it you can kinda see


It’s also 2222 days from Trump’s ‘Calm before the Storm…You’ll Find Out’ statement to this Fifth of November (Guy Fawkes Night). 22 22 = V V

There is a Storm in V for Vendetta.

I think some of the J6 prisoners are getting the Evey treatment.

by BQnita
SuqamisLostPassport 2 points ago +2 / -0

This sounds just like what Robert Ford said to William in the second season of West World. Just before he gave the hosts memories of their past lives, giving them impetus to rebel. He also gave William his psychological profile and social history report, the sum of his activity at the park. By chance, his wife found and read his report, she found out what he was doing in the park. Lol.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 Is Election Day. Since when is a Presidential election held on an odd year? My point is from this November 5 to Election Day 2024 is one year, and by some weird chance, from Trump’s ‘calm before the storm’ statement to this Guy Fawkes night is 2222 days, and from Q start to same Fawkes Night is 2199 days, and the Matrix is set in year 2199. So this Bonfire night seems to be alluded to by the start dates of Trump and Q’s cryptic comments.

Both V and Morpheus refused to believe in coincidence. Morpheus also likes triplets. Trump also had amazing wins on day 733 and day 1466 since Q began. 733 is a divisor of 2199.

1466+733 = 2199. And 733*3 = 2199

So whatever happens this November 5th is on a 733 day count-up from the Roe V Wade repeal narrative, and that was 733 days from the military releasing video of the destruction of ISIS. This Nov 5th could be the third 733 that surpasses Trumps other amazing narrative deployments.

So if Trump initiates martial law or gives some kind of TV address this November 5th, it would be a one year countdown to election night. Just as V for Vendetta is a one year countdown; V destroys the Old Bailey and then one year later he delivers a mask to every citizen and asks them to come to parliament so they can watch the world change. This V V one-year countdown perfectly maps onto next years’ election. Trump could have a military-civilian alliance in real life, on Election Day, just like the ending to V for Vendetta. Instead of a Guy Fawkes mask, Trump could mail WiFi jammers to everyone to take to the precincts to enforce all voting machines aren’t connected to internet.

My point is that Trump could have picked his Storm statement and Q start dates to make his enemies at the CIA think he is going to LARP V for Vendetta. Right now, anyone could say to Jack Smith or Fani, “Have you noticed this?”

The CIA might even think that Trump is LARPing the imprisonment of his supporters and he is treating them like Evey from V for Vendetta. Like, Mar-a-Lago has jail cells for psychological operations like V’s shadow gallery.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump on October 5 2017 asks the reporters if they notice the Calm before the Storm. Reporters ask “what Storm?” “You’ll find out” he replies.

2222 days from You’ll Find Out to November 5th of this year.

Think V for Vendetta with Sidney Powell replacing Natalie Portman.

22 22 = V V.

Next years Election night is Guy Fawkes night. Bonfire night, when Catholic traitors are burned alive or quartered. V V takes place over the course of a year. Story also had a storm that Transfigures Evey.

2222 is an Angel number that manifests your hopes.

Coincidentally, from when Q went silent to this Christmas Eve is 1111 days. So the Q & A session with Q could be a Christmas Eve present.

SuqamisLostPassport 3 points ago +4 / -1

I personally think the Tweet will be this Nov 3rd. But the Tweet would presumably be announcing the start of major military action and possible martial law. Like, recall the early Q drops discussing presidential war powers, the Civil War, and such. I’d recommend getting sleep, and maybe read my post history, watch V for Vendetta, and Interstellar. I think we have a few more months.

SuqamisLostPassport 5 points ago +5 / -0

Someone else figured out the Queen died on day 1776 and I went from there. You can check my post history about Interstellar, Q post 14 that was on month 9 day 11 of Trump presidency and also 500th anniversary of Protestant Reformation. I also think the CIA and NSA were created on specific days to create 19,000 and 25,9xx day deltas. The 15th of this November is 8100 days since 911. 8100 has 45 divisors, just as 111,111,111^2 has 45 divisors.

SuqamisLostPassport 12 points ago +12 / -0

Trump on October 5 2017 asks the reporters if they notice the Calm. Reporters ask “what Storm? “You’ll find out” he replies.

22222 days from You’ll Find Out to November 5th of this year.

Q first posted October 28, 2017

1776 days later, coincidentally, and in no way am I implying causation, the Queen of England expectedly passed away from natural causes due to her age. Q drops 100 and 620 are in regards to her.

Trump was arraigned on Q day 1984 Coincidentally, John Hurt stared in movie 1984 as the protagonist Winston Smith. Hurt played villain in V for Vendetta.

Trump announced he was going going to be arraigned a second time on day 2049 (a reference to Blade Runner 2049)

Trump was processed and released on Q day 2054 (Minority Report is set in year 2054, Spielberg made a point to talk about it)

Aliens is set in 2179.

If years equals days 2179 =Monday, October 16, 2023

Aliens has the following quotes:

They cut the power!

Seventeen days? Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before.

What the hell are we supposed to use, man? Harsh language?

Game over, man. Game over.

So if something bad happens on October 16th we have to wait 17 days for rescue.

Which takes us to November 2. The following day is November 3, a Friday.

Trump can only post The Tweet of Annunciation of the Storm on a Friday. This is coincidentally the release date for Dune Part 2. Film is set in a world that had a Butlerian Jihad and is in the process of a Game Theory War to liberate the Galaxy from a degenerate pedophile cult that has been in power for Millennia due to their harvesting of a potent drug and warmongering.

The following day is the 4th, coincidentally the 71st anniversary of the NSA.

The following day is coincidentally Guy Fawkes Day. It also happens to be day 2199 of Q operation(the approximate year Morpheus frees Neo in the Matrix) This is also Angel number 2222 days since Trump said ‘you’ll find out’ Also, 22 22 = V V = V for Vendetta

Also notice that Q day 2199 is this November 5th. The Matrix, if not set in 2199 was damn closer to that date than 1999. Both the Matrix and V for Vendetta were written by the same writers. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidence. Recall that V for Vendetta started on the 5th of November with the bombing of Old Bailey and Evey finished the job the following year.

If the military takes out the deep state this November 5th, puts us under marshal law, and we have elections next year (coincidentally the 5th) , it would be deja vu with the Matrix and V.

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +4 / -0

They spend millions for election fraud in California. The D party isn’t competitive anywhere. It is ALL fraud, in EVERY state. IF THEY CHEAT IN CALIFORNIA THEY CHEAT EVERYWHERE. It’s 100% rigged everywhere. The Blue States are really radioactive red states. The Hispanics aren’t voting for tranny niggerfaggots. The Democrats just focus on the states with population density because it consolidates and simplifies their workloads.

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