Husband heads out to Florida today. I’m new to this movement so I don’t have the confidence some veterans have on what’s going on. He won’t cancel on my theories, even his dad tried getting him to. Yeah he’s stubborn. What are some options of the steps that might be taken to mitigate the confusion and chaos that might come with what’s actually been going on behind the scenes?
I’m prepping him with sending cash, and protein bars if we get stuck in a temporary lock down to keep people safe from possible riots. Any other advice?
I can relate to you. Married to stubborn jarhead. I’m sure people are going to start responding to your post with better more solid advice and I’m giving but I like to be prepared and I’ve been working on that for a long time. Give him as much as you can. Water? Rounds?
He promised he would stop at a store when he lands to get water. We talked about the conceal but with all the hype he was worried they might not even let him check it. Plus his favorite is also my favorite for that. In a pinch i am much more efficient with it. There’s just so much going on and it’s hard to sift through it all.
I get you ??☺️❤️