1325 ONE HUMBLE REQUEST: Please stop referring to 'the left' or 'democrats'. It stopped being left vs right, Democrat vs Republican long ago. It is now GLOBALIST vs PATRIOT, GOOD vs EVIL. I think if we can change the way we think and speak about this it will help us unite, liberals & conservatives alike. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by intellectual-darkweb 4 years ago by intellectual-darkweb +1326 / -1 167 comments download share 167 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Well I find little encouragement in that ! Abortions murder babies and they agree with that,but you think their Consciences will be jarred because they find out satanists used the baby’s and baby parts for nefarious things. I think you are sorely mistaken. It was exposed in Ca and Killama Harris prosecuted the sting operation leader David Daleiden ps. Kamala Harris was DA ! https://www.lifenews.com/2019/11/15/jury-forces-david-daleiden-to-pay-planned-parenthood-870000-for-exposing-its-aborted-baby-part-sales/