1325 ONE HUMBLE REQUEST: Please stop referring to 'the left' or 'democrats'. It stopped being left vs right, Democrat vs Republican long ago. It is now GLOBALIST vs PATRIOT, GOOD vs EVIL. I think if we can change the way we think and speak about this it will help us unite, liberals & conservatives alike. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by intellectual-darkweb 4 years ago by intellectual-darkweb +1326 / -1 167 comments download share 167 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Actually it's non-jews vs evil jews.
The ‘evil’ part is an important qualifier. I’m open to the idea there are bad guys who are Jews. NOT open to the idea allJews are bad guys.
Identity politics would be our undoing. Repeat all the mistakes of the 20th Century.