WTF do helicopters and chaff have to do with Covid...
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I don't see links to the studies or lab results. Sounds like they are testing soil which may already have other contaminants present. Chemtrails are definitely real but how are they collecting this data?
I've been on this since Decemeber, 2006.
What I have gathered is some independent money was used to fly as high as the rented planes could fly and gathered samples there.
Also, many tests have been done in forests and other places that are undisturbed to harvest off the foliage.
The difficult challenge is to get whistle blowers to testify. I have seen written reports and photos of the planes insides where the containers were. But since it is so covert it is hard to nail them.
One senator who was on a commitee regarding health was going to push a regulation to be enforced about testing on humans without their permission. He was taken aboard Air Force One and after his flight he no longer protested.
I have taken photos of black guidance lines in the sky for the droned planes to follow. The bottom line of course is, how can an airplane leave 10 mile "con trails" that disperse into artificial Cyrus clouds?