posted ago by Trump2020PogChamp ago by Trump2020PogChamp +94 / -1

Can you see all these movies coming to an end?

Can you see all the perspectives?

Everything from CNN normies to us Qbros?

CAN YOU SEE IT UNFOLDING?! I don't care if you are my fellow WWG1WGA bros or paid shill/ low energy hater cucklord. The culmination will soon arrive.

THIS IS A MASTERPIECE - regardless of what happens Orchestrated by 41020

So many possibilities... which one will it be?

Remember, this is literally a fight between Good & Evil Was all these conspiracies a preparation for Q to use?

Pop culture references? Take a moment and marvel at its beauty.

Hope you are ready. Be prepared for EVERY scenario mentally. It shall be a cathartic moment.

OMG....DJT is a genius.



What can you see happening RIGHT NOW? Can you appreciate its beauty?

What will you do if something unexpected happens? Can you feel like being on the edge constantly?