There were a few 'stringers' like this a few months ago, we were watching them on Gab wondering if it was Q because it does follow Q's format that he used when he was talking about taking C_A satellites out previously.
The guy appeared over a few days with these type of posts and never responded to anyone. A few military vets posted that it sounded legit and the poster seemed to know the comms used in military circles.
This looks like the same poster. If it is Q the question is why isn't he using his tripcode? He has posted without it on one occasion and later posted with it and said he forgot in the earlier drop as he was on the move (or something like that). And of course at the beginning he didn't use a tripcode.
It might be another member of the team, or they might have mislaid the tripcode and can't be arsed setting up a new one.
Or maybe they don't have time as the info isn't for us anyway. Even if not connected with the Q team, I imagine at this late stage there are many more 'teams' involved now and hiding comms that could be compromised on a board with larpy stuff all over the place is a good a way as any to get out fast info to those looking for it.
So this could be Q or someone on his team so I'm not going to dismiss out of hand.
Regardless, it is interesting even if it's someone larping.
This isn't claiming to be from Q but...
There were a few 'stringers' like this a few months ago, we were watching them on Gab wondering if it was Q because it does follow Q's format that he used when he was talking about taking C_A satellites out previously.
The guy appeared over a few days with these type of posts and never responded to anyone. A few military vets posted that it sounded legit and the poster seemed to know the comms used in military circles.
This looks like the same poster. If it is Q the question is why isn't he using his tripcode? He has posted without it on one occasion and later posted with it and said he forgot in the earlier drop as he was on the move (or something like that). And of course at the beginning he didn't use a tripcode.
It might be another member of the team, or they might have mislaid the tripcode and can't be arsed setting up a new one.
Or maybe they don't have time as the info isn't for us anyway. Even if not connected with the Q team, I imagine at this late stage there are many more 'teams' involved now and hiding comms that could be compromised on a board with larpy stuff all over the place is a good a way as any to get out fast info to those looking for it.
So this could be Q or someone on his team so I'm not going to dismiss out of hand.
Regardless, it is interesting even if it's someone larping.