64 Replaying old feeds? Sunrise does not match. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by 2ndfromtheTOPKEK 4 years ago by 2ndfromtheTOPKEK +66 / -2 11 comments download share 11 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Good catch. We certainly can’t be sure any of these are live unless we have boots on the ground to verify.
I’m 15 miles from the Capitol- skies pretty much look like that.
They installed over 12000 closed circuit cameras in DC as well. Is it to record events that take place? Events that the MSM will refuse to air?
I doubt earthcam would be involved in Trump's master plan...
If their is a master plan of course it could. However how long has it been like this, and was it changed because of the DC lockdown? My geuss is the feeds are fake as part of the security measures.
Snake, thank you for the earthcam link!
Liars everywhere in DC, even the damn cams.